Mohammad Ali Park Duga Puja

Md Ali Park Duga Puja

Located near Calcutta University, Mohammad Ali Park is named after Mohammad Ali Jauhar, a famous Indian activist, journalist, poet and freedom fighter. Jauhar was famous for his role in the Indian non-cooperation movement and Khilafat movement during the British Raj. The park that is named after, however, is famous for hosting what is one of the most popular Durga Puja Pandals in the entire city. An example of India’s communal unity, the park brings together Hindus and Muslims as they celebrate the grand festival every Navratri. The Pandal is famous for its out-of-the-box themes ever year. It has shown miniatures of world-famous monuments before. In 2015, it had an African Safari-themed Pandal. The 2017 Pandal was more controversial, featuring doctors as demons.
The Mohammad Ali Park Durga Puja Pandal generally sees plenty of Muslim volunteers every year to set up and manage the massive platform. You can see them doing everythin from organizing medical camps to offering visitors drinking water. Despite the fact that their participation in higher roles have diminished in the past years due to communal tensions, the park remains an important stop for the yearly Durga Puja Pandal-hopping tradition in Kolkata. On other days, Mohammad Ali Park remains a public park open to those looking for a quick break from the hustle and bustle of Kolkata.


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